Wednesday, October 31, 2007


God certainly works in amazing ways, doesn't he? Last Sunday, when I took Maggie to Ft.Wayne to leave for her mission trip to Omaha, He sent a pastor from Rwanda to speak to me. I know, there were other reasons for him coming to the States for the first time, but he came to speak to me. We attended the African Fellowship's worship service. This pastor shared from Ecclesiastes 3:1-15. He said that God has given us time for everything. We just have to know our seasons, and manage our time in a way that glorifies God. There was more to it than that, but it reminded me that God's timing is best, and that I need to make the most of this time of waiting.

Next, God used a stolen bike to show me that I can trust Him. Curt's bike, well, let's just say that it was dead. We'd been saying, "You can get a new bike when we get to Brazil." for so long now. Monday night Curt and I prayed that God would help us find a bike the next day. We were honestly going to go to a place that takes them and compresses them, just to see if there was a usable one. We had to make our almost daily trip to Walmart also, so I decided just to go and look at the bikes. To make a long story a little bit shorter, we bought a bike marked "$25-as is" which turned out to be a stolen bike, which we had to leave at the police station. Curt said, "I'm not worried. I'm certain I'm getting a bike today." We went back to Walmart to talk to them about it, and the manager we spoke to said, " I'm so sorry. Come on and let's pick you out a new bike." So Curt got a brand new bike for $25. God gave him a bike to say, "Look, you can trust me. I love you."

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