Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Our daughter, Emily, is getting married November 13. All friends and family are welcome. You can find out the details, and RSVPif you would like to attend at

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Romans 8:28

Wow! Pastor Russ's message today was just for us. Oh, I know it wasn't really, but it could have been. The message was "Everything Will Work Out"...the way God wants it to , ultimately, for my good.

I have to believe that God's Word is for me personally, if I am a believer. I may not always like how things are working out, but I have to receive God's working for me. Behind every promise of God there is the providence of God. things are all sifted through His fingers,for our good. And in the end, I will achieve God's will for my life...because it's for His purpose. God is more interested in my character than in changing my circumstances.

Pastor Russ says sometimes it seems like the wheels are falling off, the engines not running, etc. We might have a bad day, a bad month, or even a bad year. But in the end, it is for our good. I have to say that if I look at things through fleshly eyes, we've had a bad year. We are not (obviously) in Brazil, and don't know why. We've moved several times, Don has changed jobs 3, or is it 4 times? We've seen our children struggle. But through spiritual eyes, I see that God has met all of our needs, given us many opportunities to minister in spite of what we've gone through, and I've seen growth in our family that will only benefit us later.

We still hope to go to Brazil when God releases us. Until then, we will trust that He is making us into His image, and believe that He will meet our needs.

We are still planning a short term trip July 2009. I can email applications if you are interested, but I need to know in a week or 2.

New house