Thursday, August 30, 2007

Waiting Like Caleb

The following, Waiting Like Caleb, was my daily email from the church. Last night's message was about Jacob wrestling with God for a blessing. The boys' reading this morning was about how God reminded the children of Israel of all he'd done for them. I'm hearing you, God! And we're hanging in there.

Today's Turning Point
Thursday, August 30
Waiting Like Caleb
And Joshua blessed him, and gave Hebron to Caleb the son of Jephunneh as an inheritance.
Joshua 14:13
Do you know anyone who has had to wait a long time--a really long time--to do something he'd always dreamed of? Maybe that person is you. Maybe you saved money for ten years to take a vacation to Europe. Maybe you waited thirty whole minutes for your child to get off the computer. Or maybe it took you five years to get up the nerve to go bungee-jumping.
While waiting for anything in our hurry-up world is commendable, few people today wait as long as Caleb did. God had promised the children of Israel they would inherit Canaan, but they were too afraid to go up and take it--except for Joshua and Caleb. God made the rebellious generation wander in the wilderness for forty years until they died off (all except Joshua and Caleb). Then the new generation, along with Joshua and Caleb, got to go into their new Promised Land. Forty-five years after being ready to make a home in Canaan, Caleb finally got to do it (Joshua 14:10). He didn't complain, didn't give up, and didn't blame God. He just waited until God said, "Now is the time."
If you are waiting for something, do it like Caleb did. Good things come to those who wait on the Lord.
Where there is patience and humility, there is neither anger nor vexation.
Francis of Assisi
Recommended Reading
Numbers 13:1-33; 14:26-38

Saturday, August 25, 2007


“God is faithful, by Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” 1 Corinthians 1:9

“And indeed our fellowship is with the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.” 1 John 1:3

I’ve heard it explained before that we are all created with a spiritual vacuum that only God can fill. I also know the Bible says that when we have a relationship with Christ, we are called God’s sons. God adopts us!

Today I read that a person who doesn’t have fellowship with God can never know true fellowship with another person. The word “fellowship” comes from the Greek “koinonos,” meaning a sharer, i.e. associate: companion, partaker, partner.

Without being a partner with God, through a relationship with Jesus, we feel, consciously or unconsciously, as if we are cut off from our roots of being. We are spiritual orphans. Because of this, we don’t have the ability to truly fellowship with other humans.

Wow! I remember that feeling. Are you feeling cut off from everyone? You might need a relationship with Jesus. You can start by reading Acts 16:31 in the Bible. Email me at if you’d like to talk about this.

Those of you who have a relationship with Jesus may find yourself drifting away. I’ve also found that when I’m not as close to Him as I should be, my relationships here aren’t the same.
Read Psalm 133. If we want to live in unity, as it’s described here, we first have to be right with God. Psalm 51a says, “Restore to me the joy of Your salvation.” Then Nehemiah 8:10b says, “…for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Only by God’s strength can we live right here on earth. This includes having right relationships with other people. I you’re struggling in your daily life, and are not sure why, try spending a little more time with God. Get quiet. Read your Bible. See how He speaks to you. Take what you learn and do it. Watch what happens.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hi! :)

Hey everyone this is Maggie, making a quick post for my mom while she's busy packing. As you all may have heard we have been blessed with the opportunity to stay in a house in Frankfort! The house that we're staying does not have Internet access so please be patient with us. We'll try to make it to the library as much as possible and respond to your emails as soon as we can. If there are any emergencies you can contact us by calling my mom's cell phone (765-242-2137).
Mom also wanted me to thank everyone for the response that we got from our request for furniture. We have plenty to choose from! Thanks again! Deus te abencoe, Maggie

Friday, August 03, 2007

God's Plans :)

Oh, my! I am overwhelmed by God's provisions. The consulate still has no news on our visas, as of this afternoon. That could be very disappointing by itself, but we have had several blessings this week.

Don was called to come back to work for the plumbing business he has recently worked for. He hadn't worked for about 3 weeks. He also got a call from the bus garage asking if he wanted to do an afternoon bus route for a while. These things are great, but the drive to Frankfort from my mom's gets costly. Also, as school starts back up (we homeschool, so that isn't an issue), the kids start thinking of fall sports. It would be nice for them to do something while we wait, but again, the drive to Frankfort...

This may not be flowing together, but, stay with me a little longer.

We have been hearing for a few months that we need to meet the McClain family, a family going to Costa Rica as missionaries. No one ever told me how to get ahold of them though. To make a long story short, we finally touched bases this week. Turns out they are leaving the 7th for the mission field (Pray for them!) The house they've been living in would be sitting empty until sold. The owners of the house, Mike and Katrina Jenkins, are Christians, obviously interested in missions, and their daughter used to dance with our daughter...and they'd love to have us live in the house until it sells, or we leave!! It has appliances and some furniture! It's bigger than our house we previously owned. And God bless the people who have opened up their homes to us, and you know we love you all, but a house all to ourselves! No packing up and moving in a week!!! No driving from Noblesville to Frankfort!!!

God always provides what we need, when we need it. Not getting the visas yet AND still living in other's homes and moving around may have been more than we could take right now. Not getting the visas, and seeing God provide for us in this way is perfect.