Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Boa tarde everyone. Good afternoon. Just thought we'd let everyone know that we are just waiting on the visas. We applied about 4 weeks ago and they said to check back in 6-8 weeks. They've called once asking for another paper from Brazil, which we are working on. The house is sold, we're debt free and packed. Please pray for God's will to be done in this situation.
We are living with my mom in Noblesville, but for the last week and a half, we've been staying with our friends the Colemans, in Frankfort. We had ballgames, doctor's appointments and VBS. Driving back and forth to Noblesville would cost a fortune. Don does it every day for work any way. We still have a couple of offers of places to stay here, and we may be calling those people and taking them up on the offer!
God is working on us, preparing us for what's to come. We are anxiously waiting! Maybe I should say, expectantly, not anxiously.
We'll let you know when we have a comissioning date, departure date, etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This maybe the hardest part of the whole thing, waiting the last few days or last few weeks, I pray for you guys all the time. You have been a major blessing to me and my family.
