Wednesday, February 21, 2007



Our family has been involved in many different types of ministry. Here are a few.

Don has been an usher, youth leader, children’s ministry worker, VBS teacher, small group leader, and elder. He has been on mission trips to Indianapolis and Georgia, and has always considered his mission fields to be “right outside his door”. He has been to Brazil once.

Jody has volunteered for Youth for Christ, and taught Sunday school for all ages of children and special adult classes. She has also been church treasurer, custodian, VBS teacher, and a youth leader. She works in the nursery. She has been to Brazil 4 times.

Maggie, 19, has served in the church children’s ministry as worship host. She has helped with VBS and the middle school youth, and does special music. She has been on mission trips to Indianapolis and Georgia, and to Brazil twice. She is in her second year of college online through Taylor University, and is majoring in intercultural Christian ministries.

Emily, 18, has taught a children’s class, helped with VBS, and middle school youth. She also has been on mission trips to Indianapolis and Georgia. She has been to Brazil 3 times. This past summer she spent 10 weeks there doing an internship with missionaries. She graduated from high school in December of 2005. She works at Wesley Manor Retirement Community.

Jacob, 13, is in the 7th grade and is home schooled. He has been in church Christmas productions and enjoys being involved in his family’s ministries. He attends middle school youth group and wants our family to be a blessing to the Brazilians. He also wants to use his sling shot to shoot fruit out of the trees! He currently has 2 paper routes.

Curt, 11, is currently in the 5th grade at Fields Home School. He also has participated in the Christmas productions. He attends Kidmo and AWANA. He wants to be one of the youngest missionaries ever, and to have a pet monkey.

Treyton, the youngest family member, is 2 1/2 years old. He is always cheerful and people can’t resist touching his hair! He is beginning to talk so much more. We will wait to see what his place in the ministry will be!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Just wanted to see if anyone could leave a comment. Guess ya can. Tchau, Maggie