Monday, February 22, 2010


Go to the ant, you slacker! Observe its ways and become wise. Proverbs 6:6
In my devotion for today I was reading about delayed satisfaction. The ant doesn't spend all its time eating. It works to store food so it will have it when it needs it in the winter. If we are young, we need to prepare for the future in every way we can. No matter what age we are, whenever we have to do something in public, we must prepare. We have to spend our time being ready for what God has called us to do. Then when the time comes and God is tells us to begin, we will be ready. Whatever God has asked us to do, we can't take His blessings for granted-we must prepare.

What a reminder for me!!! This is the time to make myself ready for whatever is to come!!

Praise God Maggie has been accepted for her DTS through WYAM. She will now begin preparing for September-financially, spiritually, and emotionally, and physically. Please keep her in your prayers.